How to Keep Perishable Stock from Spoilage

The USDA estimates that somewhere near ten percent of all perishable stock is lost in transport of the goods. This is often caused by negligence, but there are other factors too. Usually, spoilage occurs because no one realizes it’s happening. With frequent inspections, you can keep your perishable stock from spoiling.


Upon receiving the perishable goods, perform a thorough inspection of the materials. A visual inspection will help to identify goods that were damaged in transport, but it won’t tell you what happened during the move. A small thermometer packed inside of the cargo will help to monitor temperatures on the move, so companies can monitor changes in cooling as the product is moved. Also, be sure to inspect the immediate area for safety hazards. Make sure you have plenty of room to maneuver, and that the heaviest stock is on the bottom of the rack.

Quality Control

Quality control means that you have identified any trouble spots with your stock, and that you have taken steps to preserve what remains. Quality control also applies to transporting your stock, and verifying that the containers and shipping lines will be able to preserve your shipment until it reaches its destination. It’s important that your staff is trained on how to operate outdoor cooling systems, and how to properly store stock to maximize space. Management should also have an understanding of how the systems work, so they can budget for repair and replacement as needed.

Minimizing Loss

The number one cause of spoilage is a lack of cooling. Industrial cooling units should be attached to all containers carrying your perishable goods. Spoilage also takes less than 24 hours, and often occurs when personnel aren’t around to catch it. Try to keep your storage containers set at the lowest possible temperatures, and be sure to keep your entire space cool. This ensures your stock will last for its maximum shelf life as you wait to move it to your distributors and retailers.

Final Thoughts

Spoilage doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Routine inspections of your stock, and an accurate recording of shelf life, will cut down on those losses. Advances in technology also ensure that you get more cooling power for a lower energy cost to you. Use product barcodes to help identify when a product is in danger of expiring, and make moves to get rid of spoiled stock as soon as possible. The spoilage can affect other foods, leading to greater losses.
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